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A weekend in Edinburgh, March 2019

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

I recently spent a wonderful, windy couple of days in Edinburgh visiting a friend who goes to University there. The journey couldn't have been more simple and given the ease, I'm sorely tempted to book another quick trip. I took a plane not a train (much cheaper) and then a bus to Waverly Bridge in the city centre, just down from the Royal Mile!

The last time I visited Edinburgh must have been in about 2011 when I went to the festival with my family, so it was fun spotting sights from before. And despite the brevity of my trip, I in fact saw a lot more of the city than I had previously. Perhaps it was the time constraint or more likely the howling wind forever at our backs, either way we covered A LOT of boots have never seen so much walking in one weekend!

Friday was surprisingly sunny..for Scotland (!), so while my friend was in a lecture, I set out to get by bearings and explore the city. I walked from her accommodation into the centre, up to the Royal Mile, down to the train station then back up and over to Grassmarket and finally up the many steps to the castle!

To clarify...I did not partake in the below. Maybe next time!

Saturday was decidedly less sunny. In was anything but sunny - think wind, rain and pelting hail. So naturally, we thought it a good idea to climb up Arthur's Seat! I suppose I got the true Scottish experience I was hoping for and wind (hail) is good for the complexion, or so I've heard!?


Below: a realistic representation of the day! I've been told the view is brilliant...?

And for a final photo..the National Museum of Scotland. I think it deserves documentation, since it became our refuge while the wind raged outside!

Edinburgh..I'll be back!!

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