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Solo in Salzburg

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

With my time in Austria disappearing at an alarming rate, another bank holiday lengthening the weekend and my bucket list still far from complete, I set off last Friday to cover as much of the country as possible.

When it comes to lakes and mountains, Salzburg is the place for a base! So on the morning I decided to go, I booked 2 nights in a hostel, grabbed my railcard and headed to the station.

I've never technically 'solo-travelled' before but I suppose the premise of a year abroad comes pretty close and it wasn't like I was leaving Austria, or so I thought....

I arrived at lunchtime and after dropping my bags, headed back to the station to catch a bus to Wolfgangsee.

"Eine Fahrkarte nach Wolfgangssee bitte", I asked as the school children swarmed onto the bus around me.

"Wo genau?" The bus driver replied, with a friendly yet sceptical look, "Wolfgangssee ist enorm!"

Well that stumped me, so I went with a - "Wo würden Sie empfehlen?"

This worked perfectly, for he printed off a ticket to St Gilgen and then cheerfully prevented my attempts to exit the bus every time we stopped in sight of the lake. I would certainly still be lost somewhere in the Salzkammergut hills if it weren't for him. Turns out Wolfgangssee really is enorm!

After much back and forth-ing in the meadows above the lake, I went down to the water and had perhaps the most scenic coffee of my life thus far.

Back to the bus stop I went and who was it who picked me up? You know it - my favourite bus driver! It was his turn to be stumped when I was then the only one to get off the bus after just a few stops at Fuschlsee. Seeing as a different driver later returned me to Salzburg, the first probably assumed me lost forever.

Fuschlsee was stunning - so so clear, which these photos don't do justice, and I'd love to return for a dip in the future!

Back to Salzburg for the night before an early train on Saturday to Berchtesgaden - famed for being Germany's only Alpine National Park and, of course, home to Hitler's Eagle's Nest retreat.

The novelty of border crossing sans passport will never get old and after the most spectacular train ride, I arrived in Berchtesgaden, Germany!

Map in hand, I set off on the riverside path to Königssee. About an hour of walking, lots of cowbells and many photos later, I arrived to a German flag flying high and a distinctly summer holiday vibe by the lake!

Below - a view up to the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest) atop that very snowy peak!

Then I ate a crêpe by the lake, followed hikers along a trail to another stunning view and walked all the way back to Berchtesgaden to hit the old town!

And the old town did not disappoint! The buildings in the historic centre are absolutely beautiful, made even more picturesque by the lush mountains in the background. I can only imagine how beautiful it looks in winter!

I think I'll break wix if I upload too many photos so here are a couple and you can find 1000s more here:

Back to sunny Salzburg!

Sunday: Salzburg -> Innsbruck

Couldn't go this far across the country without making it to Innsbruck! Thanks to tips from a Tyrolean friend (shoutout to Hanna!) I saved lots of pins on google maps, ready to do a self-conducted walking tour of the centre. Think Neapolitan houses, cafés dedicated entirely to Strudel and snow-topped mountains looming in the background!

So that concludes the Austria tour! I've definitely now seen more of this country than I have of the UK so maybe a 'Britain Edition' is long overdue..!

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