Right until the very last minute my Christmas travel plans were up in the air - were the fam going to make it out here? would we meet somewhere half-way? or would I end up going home for a few days and have to scurry back before Brexit?
When it finally looked like going home to England was the best (nay, only) option, I was 10 minutes from boarding the flight when my various Austrian news apps started pinging in alarming synchronicity. The announcement of Austria's travel ban on flights from the UK couldn't have come at a more befitting, albeit disturbing, time. I had 10 minutes to weigh up the options of grabbing my bags and running back to my abode in Vienna or boarding the plane and facing a potentially much longer stay at home than anticipated.
Thankfully, I chose the latter option and although the thought that my year abroad was over did plague my dreams over the festive period, I'm SO glad to have had a spell back in Cambridge with my family, enjoying all things non-virus related!
After a blissful week or so at home, it was time to tackle my return journey. Helpfully my flight back to Vienna was only cancelled at the very last minute.... but a very helpful (sincerely, this time) man on the phone helped me change it from UK -> Bratislava. At the time, flying to Slovakia and then catching a train over the border into Austria was the only viable option. As it turned out, over half the people on my (packed) flight were doing the same, which came in handy when trying to read the only-Slovakian instructions for buying a bus ticket!
Transiting through Bratislava couldn't have been simpler and within a few hours of landing (mind, I had to be out within 7 hours in order to avoid quarantine in Slovakia!), I was exiting the train at Vienna Central Station!

I've been back for a while now and although the lockdown has been extended to the end of January at the earliest :( I'm glad to be back and excited to get out and explore as soon as possible!
Photos below - the extent of my NYE celebrations and two rather more exciting day trips - one to Schlosspark Laxenburg and the other to Stuhleck for the most beautiful (and knackering) day on the slopes!

Here's to a weird start to the year but hopefully good times ahead! :)