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YA update 2: on the streets no more!

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

As it turns out, finding a flat in Vienna is easier said than done. Rather naively, I came out here with the idea that a week in an airbnb was more than enough time to visit some 'WGs', meet some potential flatmates and take my pick of the lot. Oh how wrong I was..

It was certainly also down to me being picky (nothing but an Altbau please!) but even after I'd lowered my expectations, finding a suitable room in a decent location was not the smooth ride I'd imagined. To the 100s of messages I shot off on the WG app, I only had three responses and so, duly went to check them out.

Number 1 was perfect - an altbau, white minimalist decor, a lovely medical student flatmate and walking distance from the centre. Alas, the feeling clearly wasn't mutual and she chose someone else.

On to number 2 - after such a dreamy first viewing, this titchy room, the rather frosty flatmates and pretty scummy location put me right off. This was before I realised beggars can't be choosers.

Now for the real YA tale you're all here for - number 3 was very nearly the end of me..and I'm pretty sure this isn't just me being paranoid/suspicious/cynical. After liaising with a 'Frau so-and-so' online who told me that, no she wasn't the landlord but was only advertising the flat for her male colleague who would meet me, I went in with an already slightly off vibe. Being then called up the stairwell without any sight of the voice's owner should've been alarm bell number two. But these scams don't actually happen in real life right?! Well, I then met my guide and was shown into the apparently empty, newly furbished student flat. Why the young man sitting at the table then? Why the dusty work surfaces, no taps and empty cupboards? Well, thankfully I can tell you that I made a quick exit when said young man moved towards the door and that was the end of that. No I didn't want to see the other apartment upstairs thank you very much. Auf Wiedersehen to you!

A recovery evening at the Alte Donau by sunset was in order, I tell you. Still no home but at least I was alive and it's not a bad story to tell.

New tactic number 1 - book another week in an airbnb, do a free city tour (was brilliant) and visit Kaffehäuser instead of flat viewings!

These pics are of Café Gerstner - a spot recommended by our tour guide. With the piano tinkling in the background, great coffee and an extremely fancy interior, it did not disappoint!

Another distraction technique - a second visit to the Schönbrunn a week after my first. Autumn colours were beginning to emerge as I explored the gardens near the Schloss and ate my sandwich in the sun, dreaming about being offered a free room in the attic!

^^ Spot the tortoise!

I then bought myself an ice cream because, well, why not? Himbeeren mit Pistachio if you were wondering!

To continue the holiday spirit, I went to the cinema with some friends for the first time in AGES. We saw The Third Man at the Burg Kino - in English with German subtitles. Given that the book was written with the intention of making the film, I don't feel too bad about not yet having read it despite carting it around with me for the past few months. There were striking similarities to Fritz Lang's M which I studied in first year and it's definitely inspired me to watch more German films while I'm's work, I promise!

Below - a not-so-traditional but very welcome Kaffee with a friend from a German exchange back in 2017. I can't actually remember the café's name but it was right by the University in the trendy student district - definitely one to return to!

And finally..after many phone calls, cold calls and that aforementioned close call, I found a room! Or rather, just as I was about to pay the deposit for a much worse arrangement, I received a return-call from one of the many student residences I'd been hassling. A last minute drop-out meant a room had come free and would I like it? Um, YES BITTE!

I'm now staying right by Stefansdom in the first district - rather convenient given my poor sense of direction! I have a lovely flatmate, another coming soon and am walking distance from pretty much everywhere. Everywhere but my job, that is. The early commute will be a shock to the system but that's a bridge to be crossed next week..

Finally, some sunny Autumn pics because the seasons seem to have shifted in a day.

Below - my absolute favourite café - Hawelka. I've been here twice now and hope to make it a regular haunt. Taking refuge from the cold, I scored the best seat in the house (cosy corner on a velvet sofa), ordered myself a Melange and a Sachertorte and had a jolly nice time.

That's it for now. Bis bald!

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